Clever Dogs Media

Suburban Glass Service

Customers can see more clearly what Suburban Glass Service offers

Clever Dogs Media Indianapolis

About Our Client

Suburban Glass Service is a full-service glass and glazing company, specializing in commercial and residential projects in Indianapolis and surrounding counties. Family owned and operated, their experienced staff works with architects, designers, construction managers, contractors and individuals who are building or remodeling. Their service technicians are knowledgeable and ready to solve their clients' immediate needs.

What They Needed

As their family business faces competition from big box stores, they needed a plan to show why they bring beautiful products and lots of experience to the restoration or new build project. They also wanted a greater digital presence. Their previous site had navigation and content management issues. The owners wanted a website that was more modern, responsive to mobile use and optimized for search engines. 

How We Helped

Our team worked with their team on a new Marketing Plan and Website. Their Marketing Plan outlines key messages and recommended activities to generate leads and nurture the relationship with their customers. Their new website is powered by Zephyr CMS, which has flexible design layouts, seamlessly integrates into third party applications, provides real-time software upgrades with little publishing interruption and uses a distributed system of servers and microservices, making their website more secure and less prone to down time.

What We Learned

People love to envision what can be done with a bathroom or window view. Suburban Glass is such a customized business that showcasing their work is critical to leads. We learned how to leverage the the Gallery Module of Zephyr to make the site search easy for users.